
Install and First Startup
The screenshot below shows the app on first loading from an iPhone, Android is similar. Tap 'Allow While Using App' to proceed.
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You will be taken to the login screen. Or you can navigate to it by tapping 'More', then 'Login/Logout'. You will see the following screen. 'Enter your login details or tap Register a new accout' if you wish to create an account.
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Login 1
Enter the Login details which have been provided, tap the Login button and you will be logged in. It may take a little time to login as there are complex data access protocols running in the background. Note the message and timer near the top of the page to keep you informed. You will need to be connected to the internet during the login process, the app will run offline once you are logged in and will sync your data once a connection becomes available again.
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Login 2
When you are logged in successfully you will see a message informing you of login success.
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Once you are logged in you will be returned to the main menu screen. You can log your medications from here. First you will need to write some data to an NFC tag, label or other format you may choose.
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Add some data to an NFC tag or label
Tap the 'Write NFC' icon in the centre of the home screen. You will be taken to this screen. Just type the name of your medication into the box provided and tap the 'Write to Tag' button.
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Write Data
When you tap the 'Write to Tag' button (IOS) you will see adialog appear as shown here. It is letting you know that the data is ready to be written. Just bring the NFC label, tag etc close to your phone until it registers. You will hear a beep and get a message about whether it was successful or not. If not try again otherwise you can use the tag limitless times to log your medications.
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Log your Medication
When you wish to log your medication go to the home screen and simply tap the 'Scan NFC Tag and Save' button. You will see a similar dialog to when you wrote to the tag appear. Simply scan the tag and confirm you wish to save the data. Once confirmed the data will be available to anyone you want to see it. You can also go to the Review tab and see a list of your medication intake history.

Tap Save

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Press the confirm dialog to save the data. You can turn this off in Settings if you waould prefer to just save the data without confirmation.
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Tap the review tab and you can see a list of your medication intake history. This is the same data which you can share online with loved ones, health professionals, carers or anyone else you want. It is entireley up to you. You can also share the location where you took the medication and view it on a What3Words map.
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Register a new account
To register for a new account enter a username and password in the appropriate boxes and press the 'Register' button. You can use the same details to log in to the app and this website. Share your login with anyone who you want to give access to your data.
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On this page you can set whether you wish to show the save confirmation prior to saving your data and whether you wish to save locations data. Also you can manually sync the database if you have been offline and it does not autosync. You can also reset the database if things are not working properly. Please be aware that if you reset the database you may lose any data which has not been synced with the cloud.
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